Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From Scratch

Appropriately, with the date being 1.11.11, this is my 1st posting to my new blog for L.L. Photography! Very exciting move forward for me and for the business. The blog is a work in progress but is an incredible way to show everyone out there the projects I am working on, the beautiful art that is being created and incredible ideas for weddings, babies, families, love...well .. basically life. 

I am a 25 year old Lifestyle Photographer based out of Omaha, Nebraska. I am ambitiously following my dreams and living passionatly in the moment. I spend a good portion of my time chasing around my beautiful 2 year old monster we call  Goose, but who was properly named Lucy Louise at birth ( also the incredible young lady my photography business is named after and dedicated to.)

I find beauty in all things...but mostly in the moment. I find the ability to pause life and capture it for eternity in a single image to be a miracle and approach every picture I take with this attitude.

I am ready to take the photography world head on. Hope you can join me! :)